Solar Power

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      Solar Power
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  • Featured Solar thermal Power Stations:

      1. Andasol Solar Power Station

      Location: near Guadix, province of Granada, Spain.
      Capacity: 100 MW
      Estimated cost: US$380 million
      Start of operation: March 2009
      Thermal Storage capacity ? Yes
      Thecnology: Molten salt based - up to 7.5 hours (375 MW·h )
      Operated by: ACS Group. / Solanda GmbH

      In the Web:

    Planta solar
    Image by A. Navarro

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      2. Nevada Solar One

      Location: Boulder City, Nevada, USA
      Capacity: 64 MW
      Estimated cost: US$266 million
      Start of operation: June 2007
      Operated by: Acciona Energy

      In the Web:

    Nevada Solar One
    Image by OurRenewableNation

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      3. Solar Energy Generating Systems (SEGS)

      Location: Mojave Desert, California, USA
      Capacity: SEGS I–II: 44 MW
                         SEGS III–VII: 150 MW
                         SEGS VIII–IX: 160 MW

      Start of operation: 1984 - 1990
      Operated by: NextEra Energy

      In the Web:

    Image by penguin_policy

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      4. Themis (solar power plant)

      Location: Targassonne, Pyrénées-Orientales, France
      Capacity: 2 MW - Research only
      Start of operation: 1983
      Operated by: CNRS

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    Image by Andrew Spencer

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